Standaard Comedy is an initiative by Jeroen Bloemhoff. He is a stand-up comedian himself and organizes international comedy shows at various locations in Rotterdam.
Up until now there have been English spoken shows at Café Stalles, WORM, ‘t Kapelletje, Culturehub, Baek, De Pelgrim, Fruitvis and Huiskantine.
There have been shows at De Pelgrim in Delfshaven before. Coming Sunday there will be a performance of Behind the Iron Kilt. A show by Grant and Kristýna Haklová.
Grant Gallacher is a Scottish Comedian of the Year finalist whose sharp, witty jokes and hilarious storytelling have taken him all over the UK, Europe and the USA, touring sold-out venues, doing two solo shows at the world-famous Edinburgh Fringe Festival and Glasgow Comedy Festival.
Kristýna Haklová hails from the small town of Beroun in the Czech Republic. She generally complains about single life, her drinking habits and the generally low quality of porn.
Thursday February 17 there will be a Comedy Brew. At this open mic there will be an exciting mix of new talent taking their first steps on stage and experienced comedians testing out new material.
Stalles is the backdrop for The Backroom Comedy Show on February 20. In a little backroom 4 comedians and an MC will perform.
In the West of Rotterdam you can find Fruitvis. On March 4 Standaard Comedy invites 4 international comedians for Comedy on the Docks.
Standaard Comedy organizes The Comedy Gallery, an open mic, in WORM on Thursday, March 10.