While visiting Singapore in 2012, photographer Anais Lopez happened upon the Javan mynah, a sleek-looking black bird with a distinctive yellow beak and a cacophonous call. This squawky Bali and Java native has made its way through Southeast Asia, settling in urban cities within Thailand, Taiwan, Malaysia, Sumatra, the Lesser Sundas and Singapore. Lopez first met this curious creature when she heard the trademark call of the bird outside her hotel room in bustling Singapore. ‘The Migrant’ follows the journey of one bird, Mynah, from Indonesia to Singapore and eventually to London. It also tells of the trials and tribulations Mynah endures along the way. Lopez sheds light on the consequences of urban developments on indigenous wildlife as well as the strained relationship between animals and humans.
The Migrant, from 22 February until 21 June at the Nederlands Fotomuseum, Wilhelminakade 332.
Open Tue-Sun 11 AM – 5 PM.