Building the city with the paper models of STRM

De Rotterdam by STRM

The Rotterdam Architecture Month is almost upon us. The whole month of June is dedicated to architecture. Ever since Rotterdam began promoting itself as ‘The architecture city of the Netherlands’ STRM started producing DIY models of Rotterdam buildings. The company started with the Robeco tower, Willemswerf, Van Nelle factory, Montevideo, Toren op Zuid and the […]

Pineut introduces Do It Yourself-tapas spreads

Pineut tapas

What once started with two girlfriends experimenting a little in the attic has grown into Pineut, the do-it-yourself brand of the Netherlands. They started with dry mixes which only needed some alcohol to get refershing drinks. Nowadays they’re located in Schiemond and produce DIY drinks, soups, breads, liqueur, table water, chocolates, ginger beer and more. […]

Home improvement gets easier with new Gamma and Praxis

Home Improvement with Gamma

During the pandemic, a lot of people went to do chores around the house. They frequented several home improvement retailers in the city. Two new stores have opened. Gamma moved from Koperslagerstraat to Noorderhelling. Praxis opened its 11th City Store at Nieuwe Binnenweg 190. After the success of the other two locations in Rotterdam, residents […]