Everyone has donned the forever comfortable classic, the hoodie, at some point in their life.
Originally created in the 1930s as a useful uniform for workmen, today, the hoodie can be seen almost everywhere. From sports fields to catwalks, it has infiltrated society and, inevitably, brought about societal, cultural and political implications. Who knew such an unassuming piece of clothing could be the vehicle for global commentaries on social inequality, racism, youth culture, style, privacy and fear.
Your relationship with the hoodie – and how you are perceived when you wear one – depends on your age, gender, ethnicity, behaviour and place in the world. Some people wear hoodies to hide themselves. Some wear hoodies to flaunt the newest fashion trends. Regardless of how it is worn, there is no denying this closet staple’s relevance in society today. Discover more at https://thehoodie.hetnieuweinstituut.nl/
→ Het Nieuwe Instituut, Museumpark 25. Open Tues-Sun 11 AM – 5 PM, Thurs from 11 AM – 9 PM.