Winne will open a Vondelgym in the World Trade Center Rotterdam

Winnen opend VondelGym Rotterdam

Already a household name in Amsterdam. VondelGym is the brainchild of Arie Boomsma, a Dutch tv-personality, and together with the famous local rapper Winne he will open a gym in the basement of WTC Rotterdam at the Meent.    Vondelgym was started in 2015 by Arie Boomsma and a number of friends. Various disciplines such […]

Brasserie Jules is now part of World Trade Center Rotterdam

Inside Rotterdam Brasserie Jules

The popular Brasserie Pierre has branched out. Brasserie Jules has opened its doors in World Trade Center Rotterdam. Indoors and at the large terrace along the Koopgoot you can enjoy the famous French brasserie dishes from early morning until late at night. “The brasserie can seat around 95 guests for breakfast, coffee, lunch, drinks or […]