Inside Rotterdam party time!
The launch of Inside Rotterdam magazine on Monday 29 May at Café Rotterdam, one of the city’s most stunning locations, was a total blast. At the celebration on the café’s terrace that lies directly on the New Maas – what a view! – with the city’s iconic buildings as backdrop, editor André Vermeer handed well-known Rotterdammer Ted Langenbach the first issue of the ultimate 010 city guide. ‘Fantastic’ was the reaction of the nightlife and music scene entrepreneur. What does he see Inside Rotterdam has to offer? ‘Well…, everything about where you should go, what you should see, and much more.’ And that’s quite a lot said other guests during the musical presentation on the sundreched terrace. Because Rotterdam is the place to be, right?! In the words of Rotterdam’s top PR specialist, Miss Publicity Clarissa Slingerland, ‘Rotterdam is the best! And read this magazine!’