The Dakendagen (‘Rotterdam Rooftop days’) are back! Well… online, that is. The kennisdag (‘Knowledge Day’) of the Rotterdam Rooftop Days will take place on Friday the 4th of June and will be completely online. Embrace a three-part in-depth program around the theme ‘sustainable layered city’.
Unfortunately, the intended program of Roof Walks on 5 and 6 June 2021 can’t continue. Instead, on Friday June 4 Rotterdamse Dakendagen organizes its annual Knowledge Day for roof professionals and other interested parties. This year the day has a strong international focus and is therefore completely in English!
The program is presented live from parking garage. Kruisplein, the main location of the Rotterdam Architecture Month. The central theme of the day is ‘the sustainable and layered city’.
Tickets and more info
Would you like to attend the Knowledge Day? Tickets (€10,00 each) are for sale via the website of Rotterdamse
Rooftop days. The full (English) program lasts from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Here you can free
choose whether to attend all or only certain parts. After purchasing your ticket you will receive the links
for the live streams sent by mail. For the full program of speakers and tickets, go to
Photo: Impression of the future Hofbogenpark in Rotterdam © De Urbanisten