De Dépendance and IABR discuss food and architecture with Carolyn Steel

eat dependance Carolyn Steel

Carolyn Steel is an architect, academic and writer, and a leading thinker on food and cities. On Wednesday, November 2nd, De Dépendance welcomes her for a talk about how our food shaped us at De Fruitvis. Carolyn Steel is the author of award-winning books. ‘Hungry City: How Food Shapes Our Lives (2008)’ and ‘Sitopia: How […]

It’s about time for the 10th edition of the Architecture Biennale Rotterdam

Ferro Guido Pijper 10th edition of the Architecture Biennale Rotterdam

The 10th edition of the Architecture Biennale Rotterdam will take place from 22 September to 13 November. The title It’s About Time hints at the ever-mounting time pressure under which we are trying to counteract the effects of climate change. And connect them to other social challenges.    Part of the manifestation is the exhibition […]