De Dépendance hosts events about UniverCity and architecture and climate

Davarian Baldwin on UniverCity

In the upcoming last weeks of the year De Dépendance will host public talks with three distinctive thinkers. Geert Lovink speaks on the idea of reclaiming the internet tonight. Later, on November 24 Davarian Baldwin talks about the effects universities have on their urban environments, or: UniverCity. December 8 Daniël A. Barber, author of ‘After […]

De Dépendance and IABR discuss food and architecture with Carolyn Steel

eat dependance Carolyn Steel

Carolyn Steel is an architect, academic and writer, and a leading thinker on food and cities. On Wednesday, November 2nd, De Dépendance welcomes her for a talk about how our food shaped us at De Fruitvis. Carolyn Steel is the author of award-winning books. ‘Hungry City: How Food Shapes Our Lives (2008)’ and ‘Sitopia: How […]

De Dépendance discusses Climate Politics

De Dépendance

De Dépendance is a platform for city culture and public debate. It initiates public programs with international speakers who engage with today’s major urban issues. Monday, April 25, the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will be discussed at BlueCity. According to the latest report by IPCC the world can still […]