Inspired by the Japanese BORO textiles Diederik Verbakel created BORO BLUSH SERIES. The artwork consist of discarded textile that have gotten new life. Family, friends and acquaintances all helped. The shared work of art is on display at Dudok until September 19.
The whole idea of BORO is that there is beauty in discarded materials and that by repairing or patching the fabrics, their lifespan is extended. The term is derived from the Japanese term ‘boroboro’ meaning something tattered or repaired.
The ‘BORO BLUSH SERIES’ are made from discarded textile vintage scarves. The vintage scarves have been screenprinted by hand to give the textile more texture and a personal touch. After this process, the pieces have been patched into a large piece and quilted by hand.These otherwise wasted textiles are turned into an art installation. The artwork represents a strong voice to overconsumption, and stands for love and caring ways of using textile.
The artist has a special bond with Dudok Rotterdam. In his younger years Diederik Verbakel could be found there every weekend after his lessons at Jeugdtheater Hofplein. So now he proudly returns to the Meent.